Lola and the Broken Ladder

An Immigrant’s Journey and Resolve

The decision to immigrate is an important one and it is often fuelled by optimism about creating a better life for yourself. However, reality does not always match the expectations of most immigrants. The major reasons are barriers that they face in their destinations and not understanding that timelines are different for everyone.

In Lola and the Broken Ladder: An Immigrant’s Journey and Resolve, we take a peek into the mind of an immigrant, her hopes, aspirations, frustrations and tenacious resolve as she scales the various walls that separate her from her desired outcome.

For everyone desirous of an equitable and inclusive society, this book is for you!

This book will help you:

  • Reflect on your reason for wanting to immigrate and whether or not it is the right choice for you
  • Identify your purpose for immigrating. This will be a constant reminder throughout your journey, especially when things get tough and you consider the option of going back to your home country.
  • Find helpful information to settle, tips to help you participate economically and build a community for your growth.

About the Author

Uduak E. Bassey is a marketing and communications professional who has worked and lived in Africa, the Middle East and Canada. She holds a Bachelor of Science (BSc.) in Microbiology from the University of Calabar, and a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the the University of Lagos. She is passionate about her work with youths and those who are struggling with inequity. She is happily married and is a devoted mother of two amazing children.

Lola and the Broken Ladder

An Immigrant’s Journey and Resolve

Chapter 1: Lola’s Big Dream

Immigration is a big decision and before moving, immigrants should spend time gathering information to help them decide if it’s right for them.

Chapter 2: Lola’s Big Dream in Murky Waters

Desperation and lack of information can cause avoidable set-backs. Immigrants should be careful and diligent as they gather information and start the immigration process.

Chapter 3: Lola’s Big Dream Gets Back on Track

Access to correct information is not as mysterious as may be imagined. Make plans and prepare while you wait for an immigration decision.

Chapter 4: Lola Immigrates and Starts a New Life

The actual immigration happens and the initial euphoria of achieving this milestone makes the immigrant temporarily impervious to challenges.

Chapter 5: Lola’s Struggles and Mistakes

The euphoria wears off and reality sets in. The immigrant makes an effort to settle-in and experiences culture shock and challenges.

Chapter 6: Lola Tackles the Professional Maze

For immigrants who are skilled workers, the desire is to get back into their career. At this stage, some immigrants encounter barriers and consider alternative careers to participate in the economy.

Chapter 7: Lola’s Awakening

Succeeding as an immigrant requires a lot more than hard work.

Chapter 8: Lola’s First Successes

The immigrant’s consistency and hard work start to pay off and successes are achieved.

Chapter 9: Lola Achieves More Wins

Success becomes replicated in multiple areas and there’s a growing desire to help others succeed.

Chapter 10: Lola Uses her Voice

Immigrants who have succeeded in their journey need to build a legacy and become part of the solutions to make their society more equitable and inclusive.

Lola and the Broken Ladder

An Immigrant's Journey and Resolve

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